
About Amadi

Amadi Leaks lives right outside Atlanta, Georgia with her two beautiful daughters where they faithfully serve at their local church.  She is a graduate of Spelman College and currently works as an IT Escalation Engineer at a Fortune 500 company while she continues to share her passion for helping single parents and children of broken families as a result of divorce and death.  Her book "Love, Marriage, Divorce – Then Death Came Knocking" reveals her personal journey through love, marriage, the birth of her children, divorce and the “oh” so painful death of a beloved sibling while amidst a very tumultuous process.  

Her story is proof you may get knocked out, but as long as you land on your back, you can certainly arise victoriously if you are willing to seek the necessary healing and trust completely in a God who has nothing short of a winning track record.  Amadi presents an important message to churches globally regarding their significant role in assisting with the healing of broken families due to divorce, death and devastation.