ARE YOU IN THE KNOW? Information vs. Wisdom…

Hello my friends! – I pray you are doing really well and looking forward to finishing the year strong!  We are literally less than 60 days away from the start of a new year, can you believe it?  Not to worry, you are more than capable of completing or making strides towards the goals you set earlier this year.  What I am sharing here comes from my devotion time spent while reading my bible this week.  Have you heard the saying “She is in the know or He is in the know” which really otherwise means “he or she perhaps has inside connections or has some information you may be seeking?  But what greater good is information without wisdom on how to use it?  Consider for a moment: you are on a camping trip deep within a national forest and you have a map of the area and some general directions on how to get around.  However, one of the key routes within the forest has been marked “Detour Ahead” and the information you have is limited.  You would like to figure out which path is best to get you where you need to be and back on track.  This is where Wisdom enters the scene to guide and direct you!  Such wisdom while experience may lend a hand - is best attained from the Lord.  Seeking wisdom is exactly what Solomon did when the Lord appeared to him in a dream one night and said, “What do you want?  Ask, and I will give it to you!” (1 Kings 3:5)  To which Solomon replied “Give me an understanding heart so that I can govern your people well and know the difference between right and wrong.  For who by himself is able to govern this great people of yours?” (1 Kings 3:9)  Solomon’s request was so pleasing to the Lord that he was given not only great wisdom but long life, wealth and fame.  In fact, the knowledge God gave to him was as vast as the sands of the seashore. (1 Kings 4:29)  Seriously – can you imagine such wisdom?  Many people may have immediately asked God for wealth, fame, or even good health but Solomon understood wisdom was much more important than anything if he was to lead the people of Israel well as the new king.

These days with smartphones at our fingertips and a few key strokes, information is readily available on Google, Bing, YouTube etc.  As a matter of fact, due to our instant access to information whether good or bad – a lot of people have become overnight experts in areas which require experience and in depth knowledge.  Sadly, information without wisdom can lead to costly consequences, wrong turns, bad decisions and even regrets.  Do you know just as quickly as you can access Google or search for information on the internet, you can also take the time to humbly seek the Lord for wisdom on issues?  Oh yes, you can and as a believer you have open door access to our Father’s mainline.  We are reminded in James 1:5 “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you.  He will not rebuke you for asking.”  See also Proverbs 2:6 which says “For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth comes knowledge and understanding.”  To live wisely here on earth, means to not replace having access to good information for seeking God daily to provide you with the necessary wisdom to apply the knowledge you possess towards your daily affairs.  I have learned over the years as I grow in my walk with Christ, to pause, pray and protect my sanity by seeking God’s direction on what to do with much desired or received information.  When I was in middle school, I served on my school’s elite debate team and I always had the answers for the questions being asked.  I recall always answering questions my father would ask and even engaging him in critical and philosophical reasoning.  One could say I was orally advocating my position and point of view.  My father would loving say “Miss Too Know, I want you to slow down and consider how your response affects your biblical and worldview.  A wise girl will have good information but wait for wisdom to apply it before sharing with others to avoid intentional mistakes.”  If my dad were here today, I would hug him and tell him thank you!  It did not make much sense back then but oh it certainly does today!!

While information can be generally categorized as good, bad, useless, etc., Wisdom allows us to appropriately categorize information which is applicable and beneficial to us from that which is harmful.  Most importantly godly wisdom is first pure, peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others.  Such wisdom is also full of mercy and bears the fruit of good deeds.  It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. (James 3:17)  So the next time you are desperately seeking information, consider the fruits such information will yield for you.  This is especially important for those who are called to lead others.  A good leader seeks wisdom along with information never relying completely on what others bring to him or her in the form of knowledge.  Remember, there is way which seems right to a man that can lead to destruction in the end.  We are reminded in God’s word that wisdom is far more valuable than rubies.  Nothing you desire can compare to it. (Proverbs 8:11)   We must make the choice to live wisely and dwell as such with all men.   With the wisdom God released upon King Solomon, he went on to compose some 3,000 proverbs and he wrote 1,005 songs.  He spoke with authority about all kinds of plants, from the great cedar of Lebanon to the tiny hyssop that grows from cracks in a wall.  He could also intelligently speak about animals, birds, small creatures, and fish.  And kings from every nation sent their ambassadors to listen to the wisdom of Solomon. (1 Kings 4:32-34) Being in the know may take you into some rooms of opportunity but wisdom will keep you there to accomplish the purpose God has set forth for you here in the earth. Remember - you are fearfully and wonderfully made for such a time as this!! .